Curso de Revisión
Impacto de las enfermedades reumáticas y artritis reumatoide.
Los artículos científicos que leerán a continuación fueron preparados por profesionales de PANLAR para presentarlos en el I Curso de Revisión en Reumatología-PANLAR- realizado en Colombia en abril del 2015.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory, progressive disease characterized by inflammation of the synovial tissue. It results in the severe functional deterioration of the joints involved and the incapacity to work. Our main aim is to determine the characteristics of the current health-care models used in treating rheumatoid arthritis patients in Latin America. We want to analyze the details, using them as the foundation to create an ideal health-care model that is focused on the patient. We have revised documents, including guides to clinical practice, monitoring models and health-care models according to the current policies and resources available in various Latin American countries. Based on this information, the qualities and deficiencies of the current models will be analyzed, in order to use this as a basis on which to construct a proposed health-care model that covers the specific needs of rheumatoid arthritis patients, considering the resources of each population. Despite the collapse seen in many health systems throughout history, we can learn from them and should develop a new model starting from the path pursued, capitalizing on our experiences, teachings, and errors committed. However, in most cases, the obstacles to the success of the systems do not lie in the fundamental structure or the “spirit of the legislator” but rather in the day-to-day development within the community and the special interest of each agent in a system.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease with multiple clinical manifestations and chronic complications that requires a multidisciplinary team to treat and monitor patients. This understanding between the different medical and health professionals is essential in obtaining patient well-being. This is the reason behind the assessment of the difficulties and limitations seen in Latin America in the field of rheumatology. The aim is to suggest possible mechanisms and solutions to strengthen the knowledge and understanding of the way the disease behaves and how it can be handled by doctors and medical professionals.
Burden of illness of rheumatoid arthritis in Latin America: a regional perspective
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most important rheumatic diseases. Its prevalence varies among ethnic groups. Genetic and environmental factors influence its incidence and prevalence. This chronic disease will increase its frequency in the future due to population aging. The personal impact of this disease on many relevant areas of an individual requires special efforts to prevent and treat it properly. Adequate advice on several recently described risk factors such as tobacco and alcohol exposure, infections, obesity, and physical exercise should be part of every medical consultation. This knowledge should be incorporated to improve health care prevention programs. Patients and clinicians must work together through better communication skills to finally improve outcomes. Including RA in priority health care lists will need special effort from rheumatology societies and better communication with policy makers.
Consulte el número completo en Springer: http://link.springer.com/journal/10067/34/1/suppl/page/1
Consulte el número en PDF en el siguiente enlace: http://issuu.com/oscarod/docs/clinical_rheumatology_2015_suppleme
Report on the First PANLAR Rheumatology Review Course Rheumatoid Arthritis: Challenges and Solutions in Latin America.
Pineda C1, Caballero-Uribe CV, Gutiérrez M, Cazenave T, Cardiel MH, Levy R, Espada G, Rose C, Santos-Moreno P, Pons-Estel BA, Muñoz-Louis R, Soriano ER, Reveille JD.
Author information
The First PANLAR Rheumatology Review Course was held in Barranquilla, Colombia, in April 2015. Researchers, rheumatologists, epidemiologists, and a variety of allied professionals and patients attended the meeting. The scientific program included plenary sessions and symposia delivered by renowned experts in the field, followed by an interactive forum of discussion during 2 days.A broad spectrum of topics was discussed, reflecting the current challenges and opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in Latin America. The scientific program included not only traditional disease aspects, but also social implications, research projects, and educational characteristics, patient perspectives, and novel care models, emphasizing the need for training human resources and proposing unique approaches to RA health care in Latin America, therefore helping us to increase and improve the knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of this health condition in the region, thus promoting and encouraging equity, quality, and efficiency of RA health care.
[PubMed – as supplied by publisher]